Restaurant Marketing Hot Takes from the Pros

Restaurant Best Practices Aug 16, 2024

Running a restaurant is no easy task. From perfecting recipes to managing staff, there’s a lot that goes into creating a memorable dining experience. But in today’s competitive market, even the most delicious dishes might not be enough to keep customers coming through the door. That’s where restaurant marketing comes in – a key ingredient for success that can elevate your restaurant from good to great.

To help you stay ahead of the curve, we’ve gathered some restaurant marketing tips from a panel of industry pros who know a thing or two about standing out. Whether you’re looking to attract new customers, build brand loyalty, or just spice up your current strategy, these hot takes will provide the insights you need to take your marketing game to the next level.

Stand Out or Sit Down: The Importance of Differentiation

With so many dining options, how do you make sure yours is the one customers choose? According to Josh Kopel, Michelin-awarded restaurateur and creator of the 5 Day Restaurant Profitability Challenge, differentiation is key. The restaurant industry is a commodity business, and without a unique selling point, it’s easy to get lost in the crowd.


So, how do you differentiate? Start by identifying what makes your restaurant special. Do you have a unique menu that can’t be found anywhere else? Perhaps your ambience is unlike anything your customers have experienced before, or maybe there’s a compelling story behind your start that adds to its charm.

Once you’ve nailed down what sets you apart, make sure your marketing reflects it. Your brand identity should be clear in everything from your social media posts to your website. Don’t just tell people why your restaurant is different—show them. High-quality images, engaging videos, and authentic storytelling can go a long way in communicating your unique value to potential customers.

Be Proactive, Not Reactive: The Power of a Strong Marketing Strategy

Word-of-mouth marketing is great, but if you’re relying solely on customers to do the legwork for you, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity. Rev Ciancio, a seasoned restaurant marketer and owner of New York’s Handcraft Burgers and Brew, suggests taking a more proactive approach.

Instead of waiting for customers to find you, go out and find them. Use a mix of marketing channels to reach different segments of your audience. Whether it’s through social media, email campaigns, or even traditional methods like billboards and flyers, the goal is to engage potential customers where they are and draw them in with compelling content.

One of the best restaurant marketing tips? Focus on building relationships. Don’t just bombard your audience with promotions; instead, offer them something of value. Share tips, recipes, or behind-the-scenes looks at your restaurant. The more you can connect with your customers on a personal level, the more likely they are to become loyal patrons.


Storytelling and Personalization: The Secret Ingredients for Engagement

Storytelling is more important than ever. Shawn Walchef, founder of San Diego’s Cali BBQ and Cali BBQ Media, highlights the power of purposeful storytelling in building a strong brand. By sharing your restaurant’s story, you create an emotional connection with your audience that goes beyond just the food.

But it’s not just about telling any story – it’s about telling YOUR story. What inspired you to start your restaurant? What challenges have you overcome? What values do you want to be known for? Who’s on your team? These narratives resonate with guests and help them feel like they’re part of your journey.

One of the most creative marketing endeavors discussed was a campaign by Handcraft Burgers and Brew, which involved hiring an elf during the holiday season and documenting its adventures on social media. While this might not be the most conventional approach, it’s a great example of how thinking outside the box can help you stand out.


Personalization is another crucial element. As Josh Kopel noted, building a brand persona and personalizing your communication can set you apart from the competition. Customers want to feel like they’re interacting with a real person, not just a faceless business. So, whether you’re responding to reviews, sending out emails, or posting on social media, make sure your tone is friendly, approachable, and uniquely yours.

Go Digital or Go Home: Making the Most of Online Marketing Tools

If you’re not leveraging digital marketing tools, you’re leaving money on the table. The panel unanimously agreed that a strong online presence is essential for any restaurant looking to grow its customer base.

Social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok are goldmines for restaurant marketing. They allow you to showcase your food, your atmosphere, and your personality in a visually engaging way. And with the right strategy, you can reach a wide audience at a relatively low cost.

However, the panel also warned against over-relying on tired practices like generic stock photos or overused third-party delivery buttons on your website. 


Instead, focus on creating original content that truly represents your brand. And when it comes to email marketing, make sure your sign-up process is seamless and your messages are tailored to your audience’s interests.

Outbound Marketing: Don’t Forget to Reach Out

Inbound marketing strategies like SEO and content marketing are important, but don’t overlook the power of outbound marketing. 


Events and catering are excellent ways to reach new customers. Whether you’re hosting a pop-up event, offering catering services for local businesses, or participating in community events, these types of activities can help you build relationships and get your name out there.

Mix It Up and Make It Yours

The restaurant industry is constantly evolving, and so should your marketing strategy. By embracing differentiation, being proactive, telling your story, leveraging digital tools, and incorporating outbound marketing into your mix, you’ll be well on your way to creating a dynamic presence that resonates with customers.

Remember, marketing is all about experimenting, learning, and adapting. Not every tactic will work for every restaurant, but by staying open to new ideas and keeping your finger on the pulse of industry trends, you can find the right recipe for success.

Watch the full panel for more tips and maybe even a laugh or two.

Schedule a demo today for more information on how Marqii works with restaurants to boost their online presence and add a helping hand to restaurant marketing teams!

About our Panelists

  • Josh Kopel is a Michelin-awarded restaurateur, coach, and marketing expert with over 20 years in the hospitality industry. He’s managed everything from laid-back bayou bars to buzzing Hollywood nightclubs. During the pandemic, Josh launched the FULL COMP podcast to support fellow restaurateurs and later created the Restaurant Scaling System to help them thrive. He also founded FLO Hospitality Solutions, a consulting firm dedicated to scaling restaurants.
  • Shawn Walchef is the founder of Cali BBQ Media, where he helps brands and leaders leverage the new Business Creator Economy through strategic digital storytelling and digital hospitality. Since opening in 2008, his Cali BBQ restaurant company has generated over $35 million and operates multiple locations in San Diego and beyond. Shawn also hosts the Digital Hospitality podcast, guiding viewers and listeners through the ever-evolving digital landscape to help restaurant and business owners adapt and succeed. 
  • David “Rev” Ciancio is a Hospitality Marketing Executive and Branding Strategist with 20 years of experience in digital marketing, specializing in hospitality, content, and local SEO. He has helped clients achieve success across various industries, including hospitality, financial services, and entertainment. A former NYC bar owner, Rev is recognized for his innovative approach in using his personal brand to drive lead generation and rejuvenate brands. He is also the co-founder and CMO of Handcraft Burgers and Brew, a popular restaurant brand.

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